Extraction Movie Review || One Word: Bland
Extraction Movie Review
Extraction is an action film directed by Sam Hargrave and stars Chris Hemsworth and Randeep Hooda in the lead.
Ovi Mahajan, son of the biggest drug lord of India is kidnapped by the biggest drug lord of Bangladesh. Rake (Chris Hemsworth) and his team of mercenaries is paid to extract the kid safely out of Bangladesh and return him to India. But something goes wrong and now Rake is stuck in Bangladesh with this kid and the film is how they try to get out of the country while everyone is on their hunt.
I would have never watched this film because I knew what it's going to be but I did for the review and so let's get into what works and what doesn't with this film.
What I liked
- Camerawork & Stunts
The camerawork and stunts in this film are worth praising. Sam Hargrave is a stuntman and you can actually see that the movie is directed by a stuntman in action sequences. The one on one combat and close combat with guns was something refreshing.
There is one chase sequence that goes for about 10 minutes where Sam Hargrave tried to make it look like a single take scene. The whole sequence went too long and I really liked it. It wasn't perfect and you can tell where and when stuntman, cameraman or actors switched places but still a good attempt. This whole sequence from start to finish is near perfect and it's the only part that was memorable about this film.
What I Didn't Like
- The Plot
I don't know why but nowadays everyone is trying to pull a Nolan out of films. I'm really getting tired of this. This movie tries to humanize and make us sympathize with the characters but it's so forced. All the 'emotional' exchanges in this film are nothing but cringe. I wanted those to be over as soon as possible. I don't care why the guy is like this or why he is doing this. It's all the same predictable story in every film now. Nobody cares. You promised an action movie then give the audience an action movie that's it.
This film also has a lot of logical issues. Yes, I try to put my mind as open as possible while watching action films but this movie's logic is as low as a Bollywood flick and that's a new low for Russo's.
The movie takes place in Dhaka and the whole Dhaka shots are tinted with the well known disgusting yellow tint. Why Hollywood and now Bollywood thinks that Mexico, Africa, and the Indian subcontinent is yellow. Why?!
- The Acting
The only good acting that was delivered in this film was by Randeep Hooda. He feels like a badass terminator with real emotions. Everyone else is just there and you never care if anyone lives or dies or is going through trauma.
The kid they are trying to save is so irritating. He feels like a robot when he is speaking and in that too they used the same boring and shitty one-line jokes from Marvel movies. It just made his acting more mechanical and bland.
Chris Hemsworth is charming as always but that's the only thing he is. I never saw him doing anything different in any of his roles. He plays the same guy in every film.
All of the characters are unintentionally funny in this movie.
Final Verdict
Don't waste your time on this film. Nothing new to offer and I will not suggest anyone waste their two hours just for the ten minutes action sequence.
A hard pass to Extraction.
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